Mahad Umul Qura

Mahad Umul Qura

With the introduction of online education system in recent years the aim of this institute is to equip Jamia’s students with latest IT skills and modern language.

Keeping in view the modern-day challenges of information technology, late Maulana Ubaydullah Al-Mufti founded Mahad Umul-Qura   institute in the year 1998. The institute was inaugurated by then president of Pakistan late Mr. Rafiq Ahmad Tarra. The aim of this institute   is to equip its students with latest IT skills and modern language. Hence, the first program which was launched by the institute was Takhasus fi dawa wal Irshad, [diploma in specializing the techniques to preach the religion] where, number of scholars across the country, who have completed their dars-e-nizami, are taught English; Arabic; computer; and several other courses which are required by the society. Furthermore, it also arranges different workshops, and seminars in order to enlightened its pupil with the knowledge of leading figures of this Ummah. Online courses.

With the introduction of online education system in recent years, specially in post covid world, in 2020 Mahad Ummul Qura has launched two years online dirasat-e-dinia program, where, hundreds of male/female students are acquiring basic knowledge of deen, across the globe.  Now, the institute is also offering dars-e-nizami [complete alima course] for ladies.  Furthermore, many scholars, throughout the world, are doing online Takhasus fil fiqh [mufti course]   

Online dars-ul-ifta

People ask their curies regarding religious matters across the world and are answered by darul ifta through email. These fatwas have been compiled in book form by the name Ashrafulfatawa. With the advancement in technology, you can directly contact our highly qualified muftis through WhatsApp messenger.

Alhassan English magazine

The institute also issues quarterly English magazine with the title “Al-Hassan English”, Which covers wide range of topics.

Marriage bureau

Keeping in view the difficulty often faces by parents in order to find suitable match for their children, Mahad Ummul Qura institute    provides opportunity for the parents to come and register with Jamia Ashrafia marriage bureau where they could find suitable marriage partners for their children..

Social Media

The Institute is also responsible for functioning and operating the social media accounts of Jamia Ashrafia.

From: Administration Madrasa Al- Jamia Ashrafia Lahore.