“O people! A very blessed month has reached you. It has a night the ibadah of which is better than a thousand months. Allah has made it fardh to fast during the day and sunnah to stand in prayer during the nights. The one who seeks Allah’s nearness through doing good is as if he performed a fardh and whoever performs a fardh in this month is as if doing seventy faraidh in months other than Ramadhan”.
Sayyadina Salman reports from Rasulullah as saying,
Ramadhan holds a very high place because of being the month in which something stupendous happened. This was the revelation of the last scripture sent unto .Muhammad after which no other word of God will descend from the Heavens. Just think, this is the spoken word of Allah and so complete and perfect that no other scripture will be needed till time ends. This is the glory given to the month of Ramadhan, that it holds the honour of hosting the Quran.
This is why special importance was given by Rasulullah to the recitation of the Quran in this month. He read it a lot more than usual, had a dora, review, of the
whole Quran with Jibraeel Ameen, and the completion of one Quran was done in the taraweeh salah. This routine was followed by all the salf saulliheen, the pious predecessors. Reviews are done among Muslims individually or in groups. Therefore it is desirable to increase the recitation of the Quran and spend more time on it than other means of worship.
According to hadith, fasts and Quran will both intercede on behalf of the believer on the day of Qiyamah. Fasts will say, O my Lord, I stopped him from eating and drinking during the day so please accept my intercession on his behalf. Quran will say, I kept him awake at night so he could recite me, therefore please accept my shafaat on his behalf. Allah will agree to both their intercessions.
It has been reported by Hadhrat Anas that the Holy Prophet said that whoever reads the Quran in salah while standing in qoma, receives a hundred rewards for each letter, and whoever reads the Quran in salah while sitting will get fifty rewards, and whoever reads the Quran outside of prayer will get ten rewards for each letter and whoever listens to the Quran attentively will receive one reward for each letter.

that whoever reads the whole Quran receives a wish he can choose to have fulfilled in this world or the next.
It has been reported by Hadhrat Jabir
Just like fasting, reading the Quran strengthens the bond and connection of a person with Allah . You are reading what He wrote and He likes to listen to His people reciting His word. That is true even if one does not understand the words being recited.
Imam Ahmad bin Hambal saw a dream in which he asked Allah which action made a Muslim closest to Him. Allah replied, tilawah of the Quran. Imam Ahmad asked, with understanding or without? Allah replied, (either) with understanding or without. The Quran is a replica of the exact words of Allah, like breath passing through a flute. The actual musician is the one blowing in the pipe but the flute is an instrument through which it is passes to make a beautiful sound.
What a lovely connection…

Although all worship is for the pleasure of Allah, they have a particular physical form, like salah or reading the Quran. Anyone can see that worship is being done
by a person. But fasting is something entirely between the saim, the one fasting, and Allah taala. No one can know just by looking at a person that he is actually
performing a great worship like fasting even while he is talking, walking, or doing his work. This is something just between the Creator and created and the element of bragging or showing off what you are doing is negated. As its performance is a secret between Allah and a person, thus the reward too will be given directly and generously by Allah.

According to hadith, fasts and Quran will both intercede on behalf of the believer on the day of Qiyamah. Fasts will say, O my Lord, I stopped him from eating and drinking during the day so please accept my intercession on his behalf. Quran will say, I kept him awake at night so he could recite me, therefore please accept my shafaat on his behalf. Allah will agree to both their intercessions.
The reward of a day’s fasting for pleasing Allah alone, results in his being so far off from Hell as a raven is from its birth to its death. This means it is very far off.
And Rasulullah said that whoever keeps the fasts of Ramadhan, believing in Allah and being obedient to Him, then his previous sins will be forgiven.
Rasulullah said that the fast is a shield for the one fasting. It acts as a defense from the attacks of shaytan and protects from hellfire.
Behqi reports that Rasulullah said that the sleep of a saim is worship and his silence earns him the reward of saying SubhanAllah and the reward for every deed
is amplified and his supplications are granted and his sins are forgiven. (Mazahir-Haq)