20th Rajab, 1446 A.H.

Ethics of the World and the Hereafter

Ethics of the World and the Hereafter According to Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar, Hazrat Muhammad p.b.u.h said that the best among you is the one who has the best morals. After emphasizing the importance of Islam, another thing that Hazrat Muhammad p.b.u.h considered significant is your morals and preventing yourself from bad manners. Hazrat Muhammad […]

SPARROWS AND KITTENS(Small did not mean powerless)

He tried to open his eyes but they were jammed together with some yucky gluey thing. He rubbed his forefingers carefully across his lashes. Some of the stuff scraped off and he pried open his lids with some difficulty. Everything was blurry and out of focus. Better wash them out, he thought. He swung his […]


“O people! A very blessed month has reached you. It has a night the ibadah of which is better than a thousand months. Allah has made it fardh to fast during the day and sunnah to stand in prayer during the nights. The one who seeks Allah’s nearness through doing good is as if he performed a fardh and whoever performs a fardh in this month is as if doing seventy faraidh in months other than Ramadhan”.


In this night, man’s deeds are multiplied by a thousand times.
(The) Night (of) Power (is) better than a thousand month(s). (Al-Quran, 97:3)


MAULANA ASHRAF ALI THANVI RIGHTS OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) It is through the guidance of the Prophet  that we came to know the relevant features of the divine existence, attributes, and facts about Allah’s pleasures and displeasures. All of these were revealed to them through direct wahii or angels. Many matters of worldly […]