The month of Ramadhan is a very blessed month. The days are spent in the fard of fasting and the nights in the sunnah of taraweeh. It holds a night that is more rewarding than a thousand months and all rewards are multiplied seventy times. For the believers, the doors of heaven are opened wide and the gates of hell are closed off, while the (greater) shayateen are chained down. These are all sources of Allah’s Rahmah and Maghfirah. The tides of generosity are in high swing and the angels declare each day, “O seekers of beneficence come forth, and O seekers of material pleasures: stop; repent, and come to submission and doing good.”
Who knows this might be your last Ramadhan. Once you are gone, billions of regrets and yearning to do better, to perform just one more sajdah, to say ‘SubhanAllah’ just one more time will be futile. Such a grand sale will not be there to make use of
So this Ramadhan, aspire to and endeavour
towards the pleasure of Allah. Here are some
tips on how to achieve that:
- Prepare for fast and taraweeh with all
your might. The directives for these ibadaat
have been given so we can benefit from
the treasures Allah has prepared for us.
Otherwise, precious time would be spent in
wasteful activities. Don’t allow yourself to
waste time. - Make a strong intention of saying prayers
at the proper time in the masjid, especially the
maghrib prayer as it is often delayed in iftar - No time should be spent without the dhikr
of Allah. Keep your tongue moving with
recitations of Kalimah Tayyabah, Istighfar, and
Durood. - A special effort should be made for reading
the Quran and nawafil. Reading the Quran
in salah earns you a hundred thawab for one
letter when standing and fifty while sitting.
So that’s an option too, instead of leaving the
nawafil in case you are tired, perform them
while sitting and you will still benefit a lot. - One goal of fasting is the acquisition of
taqwa … leaving sins and replacing them with
thawab … if this is left undone, a fast will be
nothing but an empty shell. Rasulullah
once said that if a person does not give up
lying and deceit and acting on it, Allah does
not need him to give up his food and drink.
- The eyes have to be protected, the tongue
has to be protected, hands, feet, even the heart
has to be protected from doing bad. It is a fast
from sinning as much as a fast from food and
drink. Hopefully this practice will carry on to
the rest of the year. - There should be a competition of running
towards Allah’s Maghfirah and Rahmah. Allah
wishes to see this race of sprinting towards
good and goodness. - Clear your day and night of the day to day
needs of life as soon and concisely as you
can, so the rest of the hours can be spent in
earnings towards the akhirah - Make ease for those that help you out in the
home or business so they are not too burdened
to do their part in Ramadhan. - .Take care to share your prosperity with
your neighbours, family, friends, and the
less fortunate as this is a great sunnah of the
Prophet . His already kind nature became
a gale of generosity during Ramadhan and we
should emulate him as much as we can. - .Remember to make lots of duas for yourself,
your parents, for the protection of the deen and
those holding it up, and for all the momineen
and muslimeen.

May Allah grant us a beautiful Ramadhan.
ABDUS SATTAAR SHB. KHAYRUL MADARIS Who knows this might be your last Ramadhan. Once you are gone, billions of regrets and yearning to do better, to perform just one more sajdah, to say ‘SubhanAllah’ one more time will be futile.
Such a grand sale will not be there
to make use of.
REMEMBER: No matter what happens in your life, if it turns you towards Allah, it is a blessing. Whether Allah is testing you to strengthen you or holding you accountable for a sin you may have committed, the response is the same: turn to Allah and ask for His help and guidance.