26th Shaaban, 1446 A.H.

The Third Caliph Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)

The Third Caliph Hazrat Usman R.A

Khalifa Hazrat Usman was martyred on 18 zilhaj in Madinah. He was brutally martyred as the third khalifa of Muslims. He was an ideal and virtuous Muslim.

منقبت حضرت عثمانِ غنیؓ

نبیؐ کے یاروں میں عبقری ہے،غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے،غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے۔
نبیؐ کہیں جس کو جنّتی ہے، غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے،غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے۔

گلی گلی میں نگر نگر میں بَھلا ہے کس کی حیا کاچرچا۔
یہ بزمِ دنیا بتا رہی ہے، غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے۔

میں مانتا ہوں کہ اِس جہاں میں سخی بہت آئے ہونگےلیکن!
تمام سخیوں میں اک جَلی ہے،غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے، غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے۔

ہے میرا ایمان ابنِ عفّان کا عدو خوار ہوگا ہمیشہ
خدا کے ہاں جن کی برتری ہے،غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے،غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے۔

وہ دیکھو سرکارؐ اپنی پنڈلی کو ڈھانپ کر یہ بتارہے ہیں۔
کہ ذاتِ عثمانؓ آرہی ہے، غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے،غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے۔

تجھے دکھاتاہوں اھل بیتِ نبیؐ سے عثمانؓ کا یرانہ
علیؓ کی شادی غنیؓ نے کی ہے، غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے، غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے۔

ہے کس کی کاوش کہ فیضِ قرآن سارے عالم میں بٹ رہا ہے۔
ہمیں روایت بتا رہی ہے، غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے ،غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے

منقبت حضرت عثمانِ غنیؓ


He meets Hazrat Muhammad SAW in ancestry in his fifth generation. His mother Hazrat Arvi was Hazrat Muhammad’s Aunt’s daughter and the twin sister of the Holy Prophet’s father Hazrat Abdullah.


On returning from a business trip to Syria in 611, Hazrat Usman learned of Hazrat Muhammad’s SAW declared mission. After a discussion with Abu Bakr, Hazrat Usman decided to convert to Islam, and Abu Bakr brought him to Hazrat Muhammad SAW to profess his faith. He patiently faced all the hardships and did not let anyone see the discomfort through his face.

Son in Law of Hazrat Muhammad:

Hazrat Muhammad SAW married his daughter Hazrat Rukaiya to him and when she died, he married his other daughter Ume Kalsoom to Hazarat Usman considering it an order of Allah. When she died, the Holy Prophet said if he had any other daughter, he would have married her to Hazrat Usman too. Allama Sayoti writes that Hazrat Usman was the only one who married two of Hazrat Muhammad’s SAW daughters.


Hazrat Usman got the honor migration twice just like Hazrat Muhammad SAW. The first time, a few sahaba migrated to habsha after being tortured by rivals. Hazrat Usman was with his wife Hazrat Rukaiya during migration. Hazrat Muhammad said that after Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat loot, Hazrat Usman was the one who migrated with his family. For the second time, he migrated to Madina.

Jihad Fisabillilah:

Almost in every battle, Holy Prophet fought for Jihad fisabillilah, and Hazrat Usman was with him. In the battle of Khyber, the holy prophet had a strong army. Physically, Hazrat Usman took a huge part in Jihad Fisabillilah and finically, he spent a lot of money for jihad. Hazrat Muhammad was so happy, and he gave the good news that Hazrat Usman would enter paradise.

Ambassador of Rasool:

At the time of Hudaibiya, he was given the title of Ambassador Rasool. No other sahaba has ever received this title. When Hazrat Muhammad tool Bait e Rizwan, Hazrat Usman was also there. SubhanAllah what a great fortune.


After Hazrat Umar Farook R.A, he took the title of khilafat. His tenure of Khilafat was almost 12 years, he was a very successful Khalifa. He played a pivotal role in spreading Islam very fast during his khilafat.


On the 8th zilhaj, he was martyred brutally inside his own house. He was a true martyr because Hazrat Muhammad himself gave the news of his Shahdah. He was subjected to extreme hardship and challenges during the lengthy siege on his home. The rebels were committed to overthrowing him despite initiatives for peace and reconciliation. The conspirators broke into his house from the back and attacked him as he was reading the Holy Quran. His wife Naila attempted to protect him, but they beat her with the sword, cutting off her fingers. The rebels killed him (R.A.) and his blood spilled onto the Quran. He was buried at Al-Baqee which is a sacred graveyard of Muslims near the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah.