“پانچ سو سال کے وقفہ بعد جب آسمان سے وحی نازل ہوئی تو اس میں علم کا ذکر تھا”
Moulana Hafiz Fazal ur Raheem Ashrafi، chancellor Jamia Ashrafia Lahore
Allah has made this magnificent universe, and 18000 creatures exist in this world. The significance that has been given to man among every one of the creatures in the entire world is obvious from the Qur’an when Iblis was told to kneel, he asked the angels to do it, angels kneeled, but he refused. Allah said in the Qur’an that we have given knowledge to the man. The angels had some information about certain things which was insufficient, and Hazrat Adam told them, that information was the explanation that a man was given privilege, hence this proves the superiority of a man.
In the Islamic context, “ilm” typically refers to religious knowledge. In the Quran, the term “ilm” signifies God’s own knowledge, which encompasses both the manifest and hidden aspects of existence. The Quran emphasizes that all human knowledge is derived from God.
What is Knowledge Called in Islam?
Allah says “Learn from the knowledge that is not his own experiences, but that knowledge is the knowledge of revelation, which is a revelation from Allah, the merciful.” Allah Himself says in the Qur’an that this is a book that contains no ambiguity about the fact that His knowledge is superior to all sciences because the source of this knowledge is also superior and the source of this knowledge is from Allah, the merciful. His knowledge has superiority over all sciences. We were brought into the world by Allah, and a book was sent to guide us. If a person follows it, his life will become peaceful.
What Quran Says About Education?
“The Prophet (S.A.W.W) has deemed education as a necessity for both men and women, irrespective of color and creed.” Because those who seek knowledge will only gain the truth about this world. Knowledge is something that you can never lose, the more you spread it, the more it increases.

On the one hand, problems arise when people are not interested in acquiring religious knowledge on their own, and on the other hand, the people whom Allah Almighty has made deaf to the religious sciences do not turn to him for religious information. The Prophets whom Allah allocated as a source of this knowledge were the greatest figures of their time, so when people asked why this knowledge did not benefit anyone, then Hazrat Thanvi (may God bless him and grant him peace) said, “When a sick person considers himself to be sick, he will seek treatment from someone, and when one does not consider himself sick, he will not ask for treatment.” Allah, the merciful, has sent the Prophets (peace be upon him) to guide us, not only in one aspect but in all aspects of life. These religious studies are not only about prayer and fasting but also about socializing and dealing with things. The religion Islam is magnificent and learning its knowledge is enough to be perfect. An ordinary person has no knowledge about medicine and if he gets sick, he will never be able to treat himself, but when he goes to an expert, he will be treated. Likewise, to get religious knowledge, learn the knowledge of religion from an expert. Take guidance from Allah in your domestic problems. Whatever the prophets speak, they do it through revealed knowledge. The Hadis of the Prophet (peace be upon him) are being taught in madrasahs and useful in every aspect of life.
Hadith on seeking for knowledge

Islam also guides you about trading and tells you whether certain businesses are halal or forbidden. Sometimes a person thinks something is right, but it is not right for him. The Quran is there to guide him in these matters.
At the time of departure, the entire universe prays for forgiveness for him. Allah says, “We are receiving their prayers and when a great person comes, a river is laid under his feet”. Knowledge comes from the house and is placed under the feet of the angels. What is the glory of those who acquire knowledge, that is why the scholars were called the inheritors of the prophets.
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Prophets do not leave behind any dirhams or dinars; rather, prophets leave behind their knowledge, and the one who acquires as much knowledge as he inherits from the prophets will continue to do so.” Thus, one who learns one verse of the Holy Qur’an is rewarded more than reciting 100 Nafils.
We have been ordered by Allah to acquire religious education. The importance of religious education can be estimated from the fact that the first word in the Holy Qur’an that Allah revealed to the heart of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is Iqra, which means read. Among the more than six thousand verses of the Holy Qur’an, the first five verses that were revealed show the importance of the pen and the greatness of religious knowledge.
According to Islamic tradition, during one such occasion while he was in contemplation, the angel Gabriel appeared before him in the year 610 CE and said, “Read”, upon which he replied, “I am unable to read”. Thereupon the angel caught hold of him and embraced him heavily. This happened two more times after which the angel commanded Muhammad to recite the following verses:

“Read! in the name of your Lord who created
Man from a clinging substance.
Read: Your Lord is most Generous,–
He who taught by the pen–
Taught man that which he knew not.
Surah Al-Alak was revealed with these five verses. Therefore, it has been ordered by Allah himself to get religious education, due to the presence of the word Iqra with repetition in the holy Quran.
In conclusion, seeking knowledge is an essential component of the Islamic faith, and Muslims are called upon to pursue it throughout their lives. Our organization is committed to supporting Muslims in their pursuit of knowledge by providing facilities and educational sessions. I’tikaf is an excellent opportunity for Muslims to deepen their understanding of Islam and to gain valuable knowledge.