27th Shaaban, 1446 A.H.

Ethics of the World and the Hereafter

Ethics of the World and the Hereafter According to Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar, Hazrat Muhammad p.b.u.h said that the best among you is the one who has the best morals. After emphasizing the importance of Islam, another thing that Hazrat Muhammad p.b.u.h considered significant is your morals and preventing yourself from bad manners. Hazrat Muhammad […]

The Third Caliph Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)

The Third Caliph Hazrat Usman R.A Khalifa Hazrat Usman was martyred on 18 zilhaj in Madinah. He was brutally martyred as the third khalifa of Muslims. He was an ideal and virtuous Muslim. منقبت حضرت عثمانِ غنیؓ نبیؐ کے یاروں میں عبقری ہے،غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے،غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے۔نبیؐ کہیں جس کو جنّتی ہے، غنیؓ غنیؓ ہے،غنیؓ […]


The Power of Dua in Last Ashra of Ramadan The last Ashara of Ramadan is considered the most important for Muslims. All the prayers are answered by Allah during this time. The Holy Prophet said: “الدعاء مخ العبادة” which means dua is the most important form of Ibadat. A person should pray to Allah with […]

Friday Sermon | Hazrat Moulana Yousaf Khan | Blessings of Ramadhan

Blessings of Ramadhan Ramadan is a month of blessings for Muslims. The literal meaning of Ramadan is to restrain. It helps Muslims to learn self-abstain. During fasting, Muslims should refrain from eating, drinking, and sexual activities with their partners. Anything other than these three things does not break your fast. The most common misconception is […]