24th Ramadan, 1446 A.H.

Our Departments


Hifz And Nazra

Under the supervision of highly qualified faculty. The aim of this department is to produce such hafiz-e-Quran who could recite Quran with proper Tajweed.

Madrassa Faisla Lil Banaat

A legacy that trails back to 1975, empowering women in the perfect way through Islamic brilliance

Mahad Umul Qurra

With the introduction of online education system in recent years the aim of this institute is to equip Jamia’s students with latest IT skills and modern language.

Dars E Nizami Baneen

The eight-year curriculum of Arabic and religious studies, which is called “Dars Nizami“, is in the form of four stages consisting of two years each.

Tajweed o Qrrat

Under the supervision of highly qualified faculty. The aim of this department is to produce such hafiz-e-Quran who could recite Quran with proper Tajweed.

Dars E Nizami Bannat

A legacy that trails back to 1975, empowering women in the perfect way through Islamic brilliance.

Darsat E Deeniya

The Two-year curriculum of Arabic and religious studies, which is called “Darsat e Deeniyai“, is in the form of two stages consisting of One year each.

Ashrafia Girls College

A modern education system along with the virtues of Islamic sciences and jurisprudence.