27th Shaaban, 1446 A.H.

Sheikh-ul-hadith Moulana Sufi Muhammad Sarwar Sb

Early introduction:  Hadhrat Sufi Muhammad Sarwar was on December 7th, 1933 corresponding to 1352 year of hijrah, in Gurdaspur India. His father Chaudhry was a simple and pious man, who was serving as a high official in the department of agriculture. Education: Since, his childhood, he was inclined towards religion. His father, Chaudhry Muhammad Ramzan […]

Overcoming arrogance

Arrogance is a highly unlikeable attribute in Islam. Allah does not like it when a person is arrogant. Holy Prophet said if a person has arrogance equal to the size of mustard in his heart, he will not enter paradise. He also said, “The one who is the first one to say Salam is purified […]

Friday Sermon by Moulana Syed Salman Nadvi At Jamia Ashrafia Lahore

Friday Sermon by Moulana Syed Salman Nadvi At Jamia Ashrafia Lahore Considering the current Islamic situation in Pakistan, it’s not what it was meant to be. Pakistan was created on the base of Laillah Illalah but unfortunately, there has been injustice and chaos when it comes to following the principles of Islam. Even for Jummah […]

Profound Significance of Religious Cognizance

In the Islamic context, “ilm” typically refers to religious knowledge. In the Quran, the term “ilm” signifies God’s own knowledge, which encompasses both the manifest and hidden aspects of existence. The Quran emphasizes that all human knowledge is derived from God.